Audio clips

Here are some clips of Jackie Fullerton from BBC NI last night on the game for your listening pleasure:
On the goal (duration 1 min 1 second)
And just that already legendary “Can you believe it?” quote
Here’s a transcript of words which will no doubt be appearing on commemorative t-shirts soon:
“It’s legendary that I say “can you believe it” but CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!”
I’ve also just downloaded the whole of 5live’s Sport on Five from last night (40.5MB!!) so hopefully I’ll have some clips from Alan Green (he tried to claim he was a proud Ulsterman) and co soon too. Terry Butcher bleated on for ages and ages that Healy was ‘3 yards offside’ – Craigan should go back to Motherwell and sort him out. The kop singing on the 5live commentary is great, comes across even better than on tv.

2 Responses to “Audio clips”

  1. Hendo Says:

    What format is the commentary you mentioned?
    I’ve been on the BBC website trying to get it but it says I need Realplayer…. went on the site and they want my credit card details…. I don’t think so.
    Um…… any chance you could put the file online??

  2. Werea Says:

    Your site is realy very interesting.

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Audio clips

Here are some clips of Jackie Fullerton from BBC NI last night on the game for your listening pleasure:
On the goal (duration 1 min 1 second)
And just that already legendary “Can you believe it?” quote
Here’s a transcript of words which will no doubt be appearing on commemorative t-shirts soon:
“It’s legendary that I say “can you believe it” but CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!”
I’ve also just downloaded the whole of 5live’s Sport on Five from last night (40.5MB!!) so hopefully I’ll have some clips from Alan Green (he tried to claim he was a proud Ulsterman) and co soon too. Terry Butcher bleated on for ages and ages that Healy was ‘3 yards offside’ – Craigan should go back to Motherwell and sort him out. The kop singing on the 5live commentary is great, comes across even better than on tv.

One Response to “Audio clips”

  1. dave in cincinnati Says:

    Thanks a million for posting all of this. I have been reading all the news & saw a few images from cell phones at the OWC site but this is the first time I have heard the commentary. i just hope someone posts some video clips soon.

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